if(function_exists("seopress_display_breadcrumbs")) { seopress_display_breadcrumbs(); }


#guineenne224🇬🇳 #fouryou #fly #fouryoupage #tiktok #fitness #challenge #cute #dog #gym #exercice #video #entraînement #freefire #cuisine #meme #gymforreal #model #motivationmuscu #liftmeup #friends #france #musculationexercice #exercicemusculation #exerciceabdos

♬ son original – Alex coach – Perte de poids


#guineenne224🇬🇳 #fouryou #fly #fouryoupage #tiktok #fitness #challenge #cute #dog #gym #exercice #video #entraînement #freefire #cuisine #meme #gymforreal #model #motivationmuscu #liftmeup #friends #france #musculationexercice #exercicemusculation #exerciceabdos

♬ son original – Alex coach – Perte de poids


Tiktok by Tourefitness_120

If you’re looking for a workout that will help you strengthen your abs, the « @yanikfitness_120 #guineenne224 #fouryou #fly #fouryoupage #tiktok » exercise is a great option. This move works your entire core, including your obliques and lower back. Plus, it’s a great way to improve your balance and coordination. Here’s how to do it:

1. Start in a standing position with your feet together and your hands at your sides.

2. Raise your right leg and bring your right knee toward your chest.

3. As you raise your leg, extend your left arm out to the side for balance.

4. Keeping your right leg raised, kick your leg out to the side and then back behind you.

5. Return to the starting position and repeat with your left leg.

Do 10-12 repetitions on each side.