Extrait vidéo Ne pas oublier de serrer les scapulas Plus on est stable plus on pourra faire de l’hypertrophie #sechemusculaire #transformationphysique #pertedepoids #exercicesfitness #exercicepectoraux #exercicemusculation #reussirsaseche #hypertrophytraining #prisedemasse #prisedemuscle #biomecanique
@lbcoaching78 Extrait vidéo Ne pas oublier de serrer les scapulas Plus on est stable plus on pourra faire de l’hypertrophie #sechemusculaire #transformationphysique #pertedepoids #exercicesfitness #exercicepectoraux #exercicemusculation #reussirsaseche #hypertrophytraining #prisedemasse #prisedemuscle #biomecanique
extrait video: Ne pas oublier de serrer les scapulas exercice pectoraux
@lbcoaching78 Recently, a video of one of your pectoral workouts went viral on social media. In the video, you can be seen giving instructions to your clients on how to do the exercise correctly. One of the things you emphasise is the importance of keeping the shoulders down and back.
Many people found this advice useful, as it is something that is often forgotten about when working out the chest. Having strong and healthy pecs is not just about lifting heavy weights – form is just as important. Making sure the scapulae are retracted and aligned properly will help to avoid injury and ensure that the muscles are worked effectively.
Your tips have resonated with a lot of people, and we hope that you continue to share your knowledge with the world. Thank you for helping us to stay fit and healthy!
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