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Pourquoi j’aime pas le développé couché à la barre ❌ 📲 Téléchargez Mon NOUVEAU Programme PRO SHREDZ ÉVOLUTION 👉 https://julienquaglierini.com/sp/pro-shredz-evolution/ 💊 COMPLÉMENTS ALIMENTAIRES 👉-10% sur http://prozis.com/19lN​ avec le code JULIENQ10 + cadeaux 🎁 offerts #musculation #musculationfrance #julienquaglierini #teamjulienQ #pectoraux #chestday #exercicepectoraux #developpecouché #developpecouchehaltere

♬ son original – Julien Quaglierini


Pourquoi j’aime pas le développé couché à la barre ❌ 📲 Téléchargez Mon NOUVEAU Programme PRO SHREDZ ÉVOLUTION 👉 https://julienquaglierini.com/sp/pro-shredz-evolution/ 💊 COMPLÉMENTS ALIMENTAIRES 👉-10% sur http://prozis.com/19lN​ avec le code JULIENQ10 + cadeaux 🎁 offerts #musculation #musculationfrance #julienquaglierini #teamjulienQ #pectoraux #chestday #exercicepectoraux #developpecouché #developpecouchehaltere

♬ son original – Julien Quaglierini


Tiktok by Julien Quaglierini

There are a few reasons why I don’t like the incline bench press exercise for chest development. First, when performed properly, the exercise places undue stress on the shoulder joints. Second, the exercise can be difficult to perform with good form, particularly if the individual does not have a spotter. Third, the exercise can lead to injury if it is not performed correctly. Finally, this exercise can be very ineffective if the individual does not have the proper equipment.

The incline bench press is a specific exercise that is used to target the chest muscles. The exercise is performed by lying on an incline bench with a weight in each hand. The person then proceeds to press the weights up above their chest and then back down to the starting position.

There are a few reasons why I don’t like this exercise. First, when performed properly, the exercise places undue stress on the shoulder joints. Second, the exercise can be difficult to perform with good form, particularly if the individual does not have a spotter. Third, the exercise can lead to injury if it is not performed correctly. Finally, this exercise can be very ineffective if the individual does not have the proper equipment.

One of the main reasons I don’t care for the incline bench press is that it puts undue stress on the shoulder joints. When the exercise is performed with incorrect form, this can lead to joint pain or other injuries. Additionally, without a spotter, it can be difficult to keep good form while performing the exercise.

Another issue I have with the incline bench press is that it can be ineffective if the person does not have the proper equipment. For example, if the bench is not at the correct angle, the exercise will not target the chest muscles as intended. Additionally, if the weight is too heavy or too light, the exercise will not be as effective.

Overall, I don’t think the incline bench press is a great exercise for chest development. While it may work for some people, it is not an exercise I would recommend due to the risks involved.