Renforcement de la sangle abdominale ✅ #abdominales #abdos #circuitabdos #exerciceabdos #swissball #swissballchallenge #renfoabdos #musculation #passionmusculation #pourtoi
♬ Players – DJ Smallz 732 – Jersey Club Remix – Coi Leray
@doraliciam Renforcement de la sangle abdominale ✅ #abdominales #abdos #circuitabdos #exerciceabdos #swissball #swissballchallenge #renfoabdos #musculation #passionmusculation #pourtoi
Tiktok by doraliciaM
When it comes to having strong abs, you need to focus on more than just crunches. The entire abdominal muscles need to be worked in order to create a toned and flat stomach. The key is to do different types of exercises that target all the abdominal muscles. This way you can create a well-rounded routine that will help you achieve the results you desire.
One of the best exercises you can do to work your abs is called the “renforcement de la sangle abdominale.” This exercise targets the entire abdominal muscle, including the Rectus abdominis (the “six-pack” muscle) and the external obliques (the muscles on the sides of the waist).
To do the “renforcement de la sangle abdominale” exercise, lie on your back on a mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Place your hands on your stomach, just below your belly button. Use your abs to lift your head and shoulders off the ground, then bring your right knee toward your chest while keeping your left leg straight. Return to the starting position, then repeat with your left knee. Do three sets of 10-15 repetitions on each side.
This exercise is a great way to work all of the abdominal muscles, including the hard-to-target obliques. By doing this exercise regularly, you can achieve a toned and strong core.
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