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Soulevé de terre : Pour les jambes ou le dos ?. #musculation #deadlift #soulevedeterre #musculationdos

♬ black out days – solartunne


Soulevé de terre : Pour les jambes ou le dos ?. #musculation #deadlift #soulevedeterre #musculationdos

♬ black out days – solartunne

Tiktok by thomas.ribemont

One of the most popular exercises in the gym is the deadlift. But this exercise is often misunderstood, with many people unsure of how to perform it correctly.

The deadlift is a compound exercise that works both the lower and upper body. It is an extremely effective exercise for building strength and size, and can be used to help improve both your squat and bench press.

When performed correctly, the deadlift is a very safe exercise. However, if you are new to the exercise, or have any existing injuries, it is always best to speak to a qualified trainer before attempting it.

There are two main types of deadlift – the conventional deadlift and the sumo deadlift. The conventional deadlift is the more traditional of the two, and is performed with the feet hip-width apart and the hands gripping the bar outside of the legs. The sumo deadlift is performed with a wider stance and the hands gripping the bar inside of the legs.

Both types of deadlift are effective, but which one you choose will depend on your individual build and preferences.

The key to performing the deadlift correctly is to keep a neutral spine throughout the exercise. This means that you should not round your back at any point, as this can lead to injury.

Start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and the barbell in front of you. Bend at the hips and grip the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. Take a deep breath in and then lift the barbell by pushing your hips forwards and standing up tall.

Once the barbell is at hip level, reverse the motion by pushing your hips back and lowering the barbell back to the ground.

If you are new to the deadlift, start light and focus on perfecting your technique before adding more weight. Aim for 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps.

The deadlift is a great exercise for building strength and size, but it is important to make sure that you are performing the exercise correctly. If you have any injuries or doubts, always speak to a qualified trainer before attempting it.

fr_BEFrench (Belgium)

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