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Tu veux un ventre plat, voici 3 exos qui vont t’aider à avoir des abdos visibles. #abdosroutine #abdosvisibles #absdayworkout #exerciceabdos #abdayroutine #CapCut

♬ origineel geluid – SJ


Tu veux un ventre plat, voici 3 exos qui vont t’aider à avoir des abdos visibles. #abdosroutine #abdosvisibles #absdayworkout #exerciceabdos #abdayroutine #CapCut

♬ origineel geluid – SJ

Tiktok by Rosy Fitness

If you’re looking to achieve a flat stomach, exercise is crucial. Crunches alone won’t cut it – you need a full-fledged routine that targets all muscle groups in your core.

Here are three great exercises to help you achieve a tone, flat stomach:

1. Pilates Scissor: This move works your lower abs by lifting your head and shoulders off the ground while you simultaneously stretch your legs out in a scissor-like motion.

2. Reverse Crunch: This exercise is similar to a traditional crunch, but with a twist – you curl your hips up towards your chest instead of bringing your chest up towards your knees. This targets your lower abs and is great for beginners.

3. Plank: A true stomach-sculpting classic, the plank is a isometric exercise that works your entire core. Be sure to keep your back straight and your abs engaged the entire time.

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to toning your stomach. Incorporate these exercises into your regular routine and you’ll soon see results!

fr_BEFrench (Belgium)

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