if(function_exists("seopress_display_breadcrumbs")) { seopress_display_breadcrumbs(); }


Ton dos ne passera pas de maigre à musclé si tu n’as pas compris ça ! Toutes les séries à la salles ne se valent pas. Donc si tu n’appliques pas cette diversité d’exercices ton développement ne seras pas complet ! #musculationdos #muscu #prisedemasse #prisedepoids

♬ son original – thomas.ribemont


Ton dos ne passera pas de maigre à musclé si tu n’as pas compris ça ! Toutes les séries à la salles ne se valent pas. Donc si tu n’appliques pas cette diversité d’exercices ton développement ne seras pas complet ! #musculationdos #muscu #prisedemasse #prisedepoids

♬ son original – thomas.ribemont

Tiktok por thomas.ribemont

Thomas Ribemont’s back will not go from thin to muscular if he does not have back musculation.

Thomas Ribemont is a 20-year-old student who is looking to bulk up and improve his overall physique. In order to do so, he has been hitting the gym regularly and working on his diet. However, one area that he has been struggling with is his back.

While Thomas has made some gains in terms of muscle mass and definition, his back still remains relatively thin. This is largely due to the fact that he has never really focused on back musculation specifically.

However, Thomas is now determined to change that. He has started to incorporate more back exercises into his workouts and is seeing some progress. With a little bit more time and effort, Thomas is confident that he will eventually achieve the muscular back he has always wanted.


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