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From the age of thirty, men undergo a loss of muscle mass called sarcopenia. Thus, it is from this age onwards that he begins to thicken, even to gain a belly. This happens even if the person has a fairly thin morphology. For this reason, it is necessary to find the right technique and the right exercises to quickly eliminate this unwanted belly fat. Indeed, once you reach the age of 50, it becomes quite difficult to lose fat, especially the fat around the belly. To do this, it is necessary to identify the different origins of this weight gain and discover all the methods to apply to remedy it. This article deals with all the reasons that can lead to the installation of unwanted fat in the body and especially in the belly and how to eliminate them.

The ideal BMI for a 50 year old man


Before addressing weight gain in men after 50, it is first necessary to determine the ideal weight. This is defined according to different parameters, but the BMI or Body Mass Index is a reference that allows to estimate if the weight of a person is proportional to his height. This index is also used to determine the health status of the person. Apart from that, the BMI also allows to determine the amount of fatty tissue in the body of an individual. Therefore, certain criteria such as physical activity or the presence of a chronic disease can influence the BMI result.

The calculation of the BMI is done by dividing the weight in kg with the height in m². The value will then be compared to the statistics of the WHO or World Health Organization to determine the corpulence of an individual. In this case, a normal body weight is characterized by a BMI between 18.5 and 25. A value below this range indicates a person who is too thin, while a value above 25 indicates a person who is overweight.

From the age of 50, a BMI that is too high can expose a person to various risks of disease. It is therefore more than necessary to maintain a normal BMI by adopting a healthy lifestyle and practicing regular physical activity. If this is the case, the fat mass is concentrated in the abdominal area, thus causing the excess weight to be carried around the belly.

The belly after 50 years in men


It is not uncommon for a man's belly to become rounder by the age of thirty. This is due to the fact that the metabolism becomes slow and the body takes longer to function and produce hormones. As a result, the person eliminates less fat, because he or she loses energy and motivation. In this case, it becomes quite difficult to eliminate calories. In addition, as the fat sets in, the muscle mass decreases.

The accumulation of fat on the abdominal area is therefore due to genetic reasons, but also to a lack of physical activity. Nevertheless, it is important to know that the fat that settles on the belly can be completely eliminated by adopting the right habits but also with the help of natural fat burner like forskolin. The latter must be adopted on a long-term basis and under the advice of a doctor. You should know that there are other supplements that can help you (we have written some articles to give you our opinion) as Trimtone, Phenq and Zotrim !


In men of 50, the installation of belly fat is also the result of a more affluent lifestyle. Indeed, at this age, he is less active, but has a little more financial resources than in his youth. Thus, depending on the person, this factor can also influence the appearance of an unsightly belly. Nevertheless, it should be noted that this is not the case for all men, and the genetic factor remains the main reason for this weight gain.

Intestinal transit and digestion at the origin of belly fat


There are several reasons for belly fat. As far as the intestines are concerned, it is important to know that they can be swollen and thus put pressure on your abdominal muscles. Inflammation of the intestines can cause bloating, but also abnormal swelling of the belly. In this case, it is important to adopt a healthy diet.

Regular detoxification is also necessary to eliminate toxins from the body, but also to promote cell regeneration. The ideal is to carry out this detox during three days in a row by consuming only one fruit. This also serves as a good base before returning to a good eating habit.

For a better intestinal transit, the consumption of fruits and vegetables is also necessary. Likewise, choosing whole grains is also a way to promote better digestion. Apart from that, certain physical exercises also help to improve intestinal transit.

Eliminate belly fat through diet

power supply

Diet is an important issue when it comes to the accumulation of belly fat. Poor eating habits can easily lead to weight gain. This happens when the body consumes more starch, sugar or fat than it needs. In addition, lack of physical activity causes the body to accumulate more and more fat, which leads to overweight.

From the age of 50, it is not necessary to follow an overly restrictive diet. The goal is to eat a balanced and healthy diet. Adopting a good eating habit is therefore crucial to eliminating fat in a sustainable manner. Thus, you must first review your diet and identify the foods to be reduced. These are dishes that are too sweet, too fatty or too high in calories. The goal is to find healthier alternatives to these.

In order to have a more balanced diet, you must first and foremost give preference to fruits and vegetables. You should prefer those that are rich in fiber, but also in vitamins and nutrients essential to the body. All these elements will serve to provide the amount of energy essential to the proper functioning of the body. Proteins and carbohydrates are also necessary to have a good muscle mass. However, it is important to choose foods that are rich in good carbohydrates in order to prevent them from being transformed into bad fat.

Drinking water is also important to help lose belly fat. An average of 1.5 to 2 liters of water is recommended for good health. It should be noted, however, that the fruits and vegetables consumed also contain water. This element can improve intestinal transit.

External factors that promote weight gain

Different elements that occur in everyday life can influence the body and thus promote weight gain and the concentration of fat in the belly. Among these factors, there is stress. At the age of 50, depending on one's professional activity or personal life, a person can sometimes be subject to stressful situations. Similarly, fatigue and depression can also influence an individual's weight.

To avoid this, good practices such as weight training or yoga are recommended; the goal is to perform certain physical activities that promote relaxation. To do this, the advice and assistance of a professional may be necessary. For some cases of depression, a stay in a specific institution may even be recommended in order to follow a more effective treatment. Of course, this only applies to the most serious cases. There are other, simpler solutions that can be applied to regain a healthy body and, above all, get rid of the unpleasant fat on the stomach and the rest of the body.

Knowing how to recognize the sensation of hunger

feeling of hunger

As mentioned above, adopting good eating habits is essential to gradually eliminate the fat that has settled on the abdominal area. This starts with chew well its food. Then, it is important to know how to listen to your food sensations. Indeed, sometimes the body does not know the difference between the feeling of hunger or just a developed appetite. It happens that a person adopts a predictive appetite and eats only by habit and not by hunger.

Therefore, it is important to listen to your body and recognize the difference between hunger and boredom or habit. Hunger is a physiological sensation that occurs when the level of glucose in the blood decreases. The brain will pick up on the signals and command the body to eat. Other physical signs also occur when a person is hungry. These are either gurgling in the stomach, feelings of fatigue or even tightness in the stomach.

Contrary to this, the simple desire to eat does not correspond to any specific request of the organism. In fact, it is only triggered by routine or certain emotions. The sense organs are also elements that incite an individual to eat even without being hungry. For example, smelling or seeing delicious food can make the body feel hungry.

A diet adapted to lose belly man 50 years

Diet is a key element in weight loss throughout the body, but also in the stomach. Indeed, at 50 years old, the metabolism decreases and therefore the calorie needs must also be reduced. In this case, it is important to review the foods that you should or should not eat to have a healthy body and to eliminate unwanted fat.

Sugar is one of the ingredients that should be reduced at age 50. To do this, you must prefer foods with low glycemic indexes. To do this, you can choose proteins and whole grains in your daily meals. Vegetables and fruits should also be consumed in large quantities.

You should also make sure that you drink enough water, as it helps you to eliminate fat, but also the toxins present in your body. The consumption of foods rich in Omega 3 is also recommended to have a better body.

Fight against weight gain in the belly through regular physical activity

To effectively eliminate belly fat, you should also focus on exercising. Indeed, simply eating healthy is no longer enough, because the metabolism of a 50-year-old man is slow. To do this, sports such as weight training are recommended for men in their fifties.

Strength training is indeed effective in combating muscle loss. It is also involved in maintaining optimal hormone levels in the individual. For this, it is necessary to favor certain exercises that allow for better drawing of the abdominal muscles and thus eliminate belly fat.

For this type of physical activity, the assistance of a coach is always recommended. As a professional, he or she knows the right sports programs for every body type and age. It is true that the training of a 50 year old man is different from that of a 40 or 60 year old. Other parameters such as the state of health or physical resistance must also be analyzed before establishing any program.

Losing belly with yoga

Yoga is an effective way to lose weight progressively by exercising the abdominal muscles. It can be practiced alone or in a group and does not require any specific equipment, because you use the strength of your own body.

Kumbhakasana or plank position


Among the exercises to perform, there is the Kumbhakasana, more commonly known as the plank position. This posture is quite simple to perform and is effective in strengthening the abdominal muscles. It also allows to improve all the muscles of the body.

To perform Kumbhakasana, you must first get on all fours, making sure that the palms of your hands are steady. To succeed in this plank position, your shoulders must be well aligned and solid. For the rest of the exercise, you must place your two feet towards the back by spreading them a little. At the same time, you must raise your head so that it is perfectly aligned with your whole body.

Then form a straight line with your body from your head to your ankles. As you do this, you will also engage your abdominals and hold this position for 30 seconds and then release. Kumbhakasana is practiced in five sets of 15 to 30 seconds, to be done every day for best effectiveness.

The marjarasana or the cat pose

cat's posture

It is not always necessary to do hard exercises in order to eliminate belly fat. This is why the cat pose is recommended as an exercise for the abdominal muscles. To prepare, you must first get into a four-legged position, making sure that your spine is straight. Spread your legs slightly while leaning on your arms and wrists.

To perform this exercise, you must breathe in deeply while digging your back. You also open your chest and move your shoulders back to bring your belly close to the ground. Then exhale while rounding your back and pushing it towards the ceiling. The exercise consists of performing these two movements with about 15 seconds between each exercise.

Moderate physical activities

It is not necessary to do intensive sports in order to successfully eliminate unsightly fat in the belly. From the age of 50 onwards, an individual should simply perform physical exercises on a regular basis. Here are some ideas of moderate physical activities to practice from 50 years old or before.

The walk

The number of steps taken per day is an effective way to eliminate the fat contained in the body, but also in the belly. Whether it is slow or fast walking, the goal is to practice a regular physical exercise so that the body moves. Fast walking is more recommended for better results.

In addition, walking reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Brisk walking also helps to improve sleep and eliminate stress. It is therefore best to walk quickly and over a long distance. It is advisable to wear suitable shoes and to stay well hydrated during this exercise.


This sport is effective in working the breath, but also to tone the body. Water aerobics is also an activity that can perfectly eliminate unsightly belly fat. For a better efficiency, it is recommended to practice swimming on a regular basis.

It should be noted that swimming is a sport that is quite simple to perform. It is recommended for people who prefer sports that do not impact their joints.


Presented in different forms, fitness is a physical activity that can be moderate or intense. This sport consists of repetitive movements designed to work a targeted part or the whole body. Breathing techniques are also practiced with this training.

Fitness can then be practiced either in a gym or at home. It does not require any specific equipment, but can also be done with weights or other accessories sometimes used in weight training. The latter remains however more intense than fitness.

Strength training to lose belly at 50

To lose belly man at 50, you need to focus on exercises that solicit the whole body, but also the lower abdomen. For this, there are different programs to adopt for men aged 50 and over.

Abdominal exercises

Before starting exercises that involve the abdominal muscles, you should know that at age 50, these muscles are often hidden in fat that has been there for years. To make your abdominal muscles appear, you must first of all perform different types of exercises. The number of repetitions, the speed of execution and the number of sets are also to be considered during these exercises.

To have beautiful abs at age 50, you must first perform basic exercises such as dynamic exercises. Only the muscles of the pelvis and the upper thighs are used during these movements. It is also important to avoid movements that cause the body to rotate, as this can lead to wear and tear on the vertebrae. Oblique work is also recommended to ensure that love handles disappear.

Girdling exercises, similar to the plank posture, are also recommended to get a flat stomach. They will not only strengthen the stomach, but also eliminate the fat that is located there, through each contraction. Apart from that, you should also correct your posture and straighten your back in order to help eliminate belly fat.

The pumps

Push-ups are also an effective way to lose weight around the belly. They can be done at home and do not require any specific equipment. Push-ups not only tone your body, but also develop your strength. To perform them, place your hands on the floor and spread them to the width of your shoulders.

The position adopted to do push-ups is slightly similar to the plank position. However, the elbows are turned back and the back should not be bent. Doing several sets of push-ups strengthens the abdominals, muscles the legs and tones the entire lower body. There are different types of push-ups such as vertical push-ups, inclined push-ups or knee push-ups. The latter form is recommended for beginners to understand the basics of how to do push-ups.

Recommended endurance sports for men 50 years and older

Losing belly fat 50 years old man is also possible thanks to intense exercises. Thus, jogging or cycling allows you to gradually eliminate the fat contained in the whole body and the belly. The goal is to make 45 minutes of effort in order to better draw on the body's fat reserves!

Cycling is also very effective for a flat stomach. The ideal is to do a 30 to 45 minute session at least twice a week. However, this pace will be increased as you get used to the effort. Endurance sports can also be accompanied by strength training, including weight lifting.

Lifting weights at 50

Before starting this type of training, you must first know your body well. This is essential in order to determine the right exercises to work on for optimal results. To do this, it is important to avoid gestures that are too explosive as well as very heavy loads. These two parameters can actually harm your joints. This is why the intervention of a sports coach is indicated. The latter will accompany you in the realization of the gestures, but also in the establishment of an adapted sports program.

Before each training session, it is necessary to warm up well, but also to stretch at the end. Recovery is also an important step for athletes aged 50 and over. One day of rest is enough for the body. Apart from that, 8 hours of sleep is also necessary to allow the muscles to rebuild after intense exercise.

HIIT or high intensity workouts

HIIT is based on split workouts. The objective is to perform a very intense muscular workout for 10 to 30 seconds and then follow up with another movement called muscle recovery for 10 seconds. This sequence will then be applied for 30 minutes for more efficiency.

The goal of HIIT is to do muscle work that allows the heart rate to go beyond 80 % of its maximum rate. For a 50 year old man, for example, the frequency should not exceed 136 beats per minute. To do this, you need to perform 10 sets of exercises lasting an average of 30 seconds. Between each of them, low-intensity exercises lasting 2 minutes will serve as breaks.

Abdominal exercises to do from the age of 50

As mentioned before, abdominal exercises are essential to build up the abdominal muscles. They are effectively used to provide a flat stomach and thus develop the abdominal muscles. It is important to remember that having a flat stomach at the age of 50, as at any age, also depends on a balanced and adapted diet.

Types of abdominal muscles

There are a total of 4 muscle groups involved in abdominal exercises. One of them is the rectus abdominis. It is essential to be able to flex the thorax on the pelvis. This muscle is essential to form the six packs. The transverse muscle is the deepest muscle of the abdominals. It is these muscles that allow you to obtain a flat stomach. It is also important for breathing. The external and internal oblique muscles allow the rotation of the thorax. It is therefore necessary to determine the types of exercises to perform to better target the right abdominal muscles.

The crunch

This standard exercise is perfect for working the abdominals. It consists of pressing the pelvis against the ground and lifting the shoulders off the ground. This effort solicits different muscles of the abdomen. Different variations of the crunch are also practiced to have a flat stomach. These are the V-up or combined crunch and the high pulley crunch.

The leg raise on the floor or on a bench

This exercise can be done on a raised surface or on the floor. To perform it, you must sit down and bring your legs up to your chest. The goal is to lower your legs so that they are perpendicular to the floor. This is a great way to exercise the lower abdomen.
The scissors

This type of exercise allows you to work the upper and lower abdominal muscles at the same time. This movement is also effective for the obliques. To perform this exercise, you must first of all be in a seated position and lean back slightly. Place your legs on top of each other in a scissor-like fashion while placing your hands behind your head.

In order to work the abdominals better, it is important to know how to alternate these different types of exercises. It is also important to perform complementary sessions to the abdominals such as deadlifts or push-ups.

At the age of fifty, it sometimes becomes difficult to lose weight. Nevertheless, by following these few recommendations, it will be easier for you to lose the fat in your body, especially around your abdominal area. It should also be noted that the intervention and advice of a professional are very practical to have better results. The latter can intervene for the diet, but also on the sports plan by establishing specific programs adapted to each one. The goal is always to adopt a new, healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Indeed, when you decide to eliminate the fat in your body and especially in your belly, you must also adopt your new habits for the rest of your life. Of course, the physical exercises must be adjusted according to your advancing age. It is possible to exercise at moderate or low intensity even after 80 years of age.

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