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HIIT in weight training

Fashion and trends are also taking over the sports world. In recent years, many innovative training methods and physical exercises with magical effects have emerged. HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is one of the most famous.

What is the particularity of this technique? At first glance, it has many benefits. That is why it has many followers. But HIIT is especially known to be a very effective physical activity to sculpt the abdominal muscles. So, if you want to have a flat stomach, you must test it.

What exactly is HIIT?

hiit abs

It is a method of fitness originating from the United States. In fact, two American coaches named Chris Jordan and Brett Klika have developed it. Their objective is to satisfy clients who have little time. The "7 minute workout" was therefore born. The concept is to alternate very intense exercises with short recovery phases.

Why do we say that HIIT is the most effective method if we want to have abs ? In fact, according to studies, with this technique, fat tissue or fat continues to melt away over the course of 24 hours after training. In other words, its effect is phenomenal. This is the famous afterburn effect.

Another advantage of HIIT is that it allows you to target a certain part of the body. In fact, during a workout, you can work the lower or upper body a little more. You just have to choose the right exercises for your program. Of course, it is crucial to warm up well before starting.

How to get abs with HIIT? Actually, there is no specific formula for the duration of exercises and breaks. You can do 40-second workouts followed by a 20-second recovery time. However, those familiar with the technique have developed some effective protocols.

We will start with the Tabata method. Created by a Japanese researcher, it requires the use of a cardiorespiratory device. The concept is to do 20 seconds of Squat or Jumping jacks and then 10 seconds of recovery. This cycle is to be repeated 8 times.

The second most used method is called Little. It was created thanks to a study conducted in 2009. This time, it requires 60 seconds of intense effort and 75 seconds of rest. The series must be repeated 8 to 12 times. Its advantage is that it does not require the use of any equipment. But it requires a lot of strength and endurance.

For those wondering: what to do to get visible abs therefore, it is necessary to test one of these methods. Note that HIIT allows you to burn a lot of calories, but also to regulate your cholesterol level. In addition, it can help you be more enduring and strengthen your muscles.

Getting abs with HIIT

If the goal is have visible abs Thanks to HIIT, you'll need to work your abdominal muscles a bit more. There are different exercises that allow you to do this. It remains to choose them well. It is important to remember that it is not the duration that counts, but the intensity of the exercises.

As an example, you can alternate the sheathing, the mountain climber, the right sheathing, the scissors, the left sheathing, the left sheathing, the pedaling and the leg lifts. The duration of each exercise is 1 minute. Then, we repeat the whole before starting a recovery phase.

Obviously, so much effort at once will be unbearable for a beginner. So, if this is your case, you will have to do each exercise to get abs in 20 seconds or 40 seconds maximum. As you gain momentum, you can increase the endurance time.

Diet to boost results

Even if practicing HIIT is a best way to get absBut that's not enough. It is also necessary to make some efforts on the level of the food. You should know that it is the fact of eating anything at any time that is at the origin of the curves at the hip level.

What to eat to get visible abs ? To begin with, you will have to reduce your fat and calorie intake. This is why people who want to lose weight are often encouraged to follow a low-calorie diet. The goal is to push the body to use its fat reserves.

What diet to have abs so? In fact, there are a few dozen highly recommended foods. Lean meats, fish rich in Omega 3 and eggs are at the top of the list. These are sources of protein. This is a useful element when you want to increase your muscle mass.

Olive and rapeseed oils as well as nuts are also recommended. They provide lipids. Do not forget the whole grains, fruits and vegetables. All these foods will help you a lot to improve your stamina, but also to decrease the rate of belly fat.

Products for an even more magical effect

Certainly, HIIT and dieting can already give a quite satisfactory result. But taking a good product to get abs is also a good idea. In fact, it's a way to get to the goal faster. In addition, it will allow you to minimize the effort required.

Now we have to ask ourselves which product to have abs ? To begin with, there are food supplements. They are essential when following a diet. Protein powders such as Whey protein are at the top of the list. They can provide the necessary proteins.

Creatine is also a very popular product for athletes who perform intense physical activities such as HIIT, since it optimizes their performance. But you should also take products that promote fat loss. They are called fat burners. Green coffee and green tea are among them. Finally, do not forget the appetite suppressants, they help to dry the abs quickly.

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