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Mistakes that prevent you from having visible abs

In order to get a flat stomach, many people start working out. They work hard to get rid of their bulges, especially the belly fat, and to have a more athletic body. But in spite of their efforts, the famous abs they want so badly do not appear.

What they don't know is that they may have made mistakes. As a result, their efforts have been in vain. To dry out your abs, you need to use the right method. Here are just a few of the mistakes you should avoid. Discover them now!

You have not eliminated your fat

You need to understand that as long as there is fat, it is virtually impossible to get the 6 packs to appear. To be clear, if the layer of fat on your belly is too thick, you will not be able to have visible abs. That's why you'll have to do a proper dry run.

There are effective techniques that can be used to dry the abs. If you don't know how to do this, you should learn about it first or hire a sports coach. But it is essential to be dry if you want to have abs in concrete and clearly visible.

You have not been on a diet

This is a colossal mistake! How to get abs if you don't lose weight? Even if you work your muscles all the time, you won't get anywhere. You can't eliminate belly fat locally. A big change in the way you eat is required.

What to eat to get visible abs ? The right question to ask is: what to eat to lose weight? This is how you can reduce the fat in the abdomen. But on this point again, several mistakes are made. In fact, people have a bad apprehension of the slimming diet.

To believe that the best way to get abs is to follow a zero sugar and zero fat diet, it is a mistake. It is true that this will allow you to lose weight. But at the same time, you will lose your muscle mass. However, this is not the objective at all.

The best diet for absThe best way to do this is to add a healthy dose of sugar and fat to your daily menu. In addition, you need to make sure that the foods you eat have all the nutrients you need to build muscle. In other words, you need to be selective about what foods you eat.

Another mistake to avoid is changing diets all the time because you don't get results. When you want to build muscle, you have to stick to your chosen diet. Also, be aware that you need to be patient. It is very likely that you will not lose fat for a long time. But the fat will eventually melt away at the right time.

On the other hand, you should also keep in mind that it is not necessary to lose too much weight. When you're skinny, you have little muscle. However, you need a lot of muscle if you want to have abs. That's why you have to control your nutrition when you follow a slimming program.

You are not doing the right physical activities

When you want to dry your abs, you also have to work out. But be careful! Cardio training is not enough. It is only an effective solution for eliminating fat mass and excess calories. To achieve the goal, it is essential to set up a well thought-out training.

This also means that each of the following must be carefully selected exercise to get abs. Thus, to work only the big rights is a mistake. We must also solicit the internal and external obliques to have a slim waist. In other words, we must do left, right and frontal sheathing.

The secret to a successful dry run is also to vary the exercises you do. Repeating the same movements several times does not give a good result. It is essential to work the muscles from all angles. So, add crunches and leg raises to the program!

You do not perform the exercises well

You've sweated and suffered, but you didn't get the result you wanted. In the end, you ask yourself, but what to do to get visible abs ? In fact, there is only one plausible explanation. You did not perform your exercises properly. For example, you did not finish the movements properly. Thus, there is not a good contraction of the muscles.

That's why we often say that quantity doesn't matter. On the other hand, if you manage to do the same exercise up to 30 times, there is a mistake. Normally, you should feel a certain amount of pain and it is difficult to reach the set quota. The rule to respect is to work correctly and without haste.

It is also essential to increase the intensity of the efforts in a progressive way. However, you should not overdo it. Be aware that your muscles need rest. Therefore, it is not recommended to work them every day. You should space out your training sessions.

You neglect the use of dry cleaning products

That's right! A good diet followed by regular physical activity is not enough when you want to make the 6 packs appear. It is important to use product to get abs. Why? Simply because it can help you progress quickly and make your job easier.

There are many choices when it comes to what product to use. As a result, it is not really easy to find your way around. Abdominal belts that will generate a muscular contraction are for example interesting. But it is necessary to wonder: which product to have abs quickly?

Dietary supplements, especially protein, should be at the top of the list. You should know that most bodybuilders swallow a large amount of this nutrient. This is an effective way to build muscle mass. A little vitamin and some fat burners could also be useful.

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