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soupe brule graisse courgette



Cette soupe est délicieuse et très nutritive. Elle est idéale pour les personnes qui suivent un régime et qui cherchent à perdre du poids.Cette soupe

Ingrédients s:

-1 paquet de mélange de légumes congelés

-1/4 de tasse de riz cru

-1 pomme verte

-4 tasses d’eau

-1 cuillère à soupe de miso

Préparation s:

Mélanger les légumes, le riz, la pomme et l’eau dans une grande casserole. Porter à ébullition et laisser cuire pendant 10 minutes. Retirer du feu et ajouter le miso. Servir chaud.

8. Soupe à la tomate

Ingrédients s:

-1 tomate

-1/2 oignon

-1/2 carotte

-1/4 de tasse de riz

-4 tasses d’eau

-1 pincée de sel

-1/4 de cuillère à café de poivre

Préparation s:

Couper la tomate, l’oignon et la carotte en petits dés. Mettre tous les légumes dans une casserole. Ajouter le riz, l’eau, le sel et le poivre. Porter à ébullition. Laisser cuire pendant 10 minutes. Servir chaud.

A delicious, healthy soup that is perfect for winter, Soupe brule graisse courgette is packed full of flavour. This dish is made with olive oil, garlic, onions, courgettes, tomatoes, vegetable stock and white wine. It is then simmered until the vegetables are cooked through and the soup has reduced. The result is a thick, flavourful soup that is perfect for a winter meal.

Soupe brule graisse courgette is a healthy and delicious soup that is perfect for winter. This dish is made with olive oil, garlic, onions, courgettes, tomatoes, vegetable stock and white wine. It is then simmered until the vegetables are cooked through and the soup has reduced. The result is a thick, flavourful soup that is perfect for a winter meal.

This soup is packed full of flavour and is a great way to get your daily dose of vegetables. The courgettes add a lovely sweetness to the soup, while the garlic and onions add depth of flavour. This soup is also a great source of antioxidants and other nutrients.

If you are looking for a healthy and delicious soup to make this winter, then look no further than Soupe brule graisse courgette. This soup will leave you feeling satisfied and warm all winter long.


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